2024 13th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management

Call for Papers

The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:


Technological Innovation, Product Innovation and Industrial Innovation
Financing and commercializing innovation
Human resource management issues in innovation
Managing collaborative innovation
Regional innovation systems, clusters and industrial networks
Service Science and Innovation
Sustainable Innovation and Technology Incubation Technological innovation, product innovation and industrial innovation
Inovation and Management Issues within Multinational Corporations
Innovation and Management of Renewable Resources
Innovation for Sustainable Development
Innovation in Services, Logistics and Supply-chain Management
Innovation Policy and Management
Innovation, Management and Technology
Innovation in Architecture and Urban planning


Knowledge Management Processes
Data/information extraction and integration
Management and Measurement of Intangibles
Frequent itemsets and sequential pattern mining
Mining and representing temporal and spatial data
Mining and representing text and semi-structured data
Mining and representing reviews, blogs & discussions
Pre-processing, post-processing and visual data mining
Mining and representing data streams, web content, structure and usage data
Novel data mining algorithms
Case Studies on Collaboration
Social Networks and Psychological Tools for Knowledge Management
Data Mining (store/discover/propagate)
Technologies for Knowledge Sharing
Link analysis and community discovery
Knowledge management and synthesis
Explanation and Knowledge Provenance